Your Hope Coin's Ripple Journey

Hope id: NUL0028561

Hope Warrior: Deborah
Tell us how you received your Hope Coin

As a New U Life Distributor, they provided us with the coins.

Tell us about the kind act you did to give your Hope Coin away

My friend, Gaela, mother of 3, including a 10 year old daughter, and two small grand babies was diagnosed in September with a brain tumor that was malignant. She's undergone surgery in October. She continues treatment plan with chemo and radiation. Since she had a seizure (which led to the diagnosis), she cannot drive until March. Myself and a few other friends have volunteered to take her to her 12 weeks of radiation treatments. This fine lady is one that always does for others, and I know passing the Hope coin to her would definitely be again passed along. Please pray for my friend,  a believer, and I am truly Blessed to call her my friend! 

State: South Carolina
City: Greenville
Date: 15 Jan 2021