Your Hope Coin's Ripple Journey

Hope id: 0056116

Hope Warrior: Pat
Tell us how you received your Hope Coin

Passed on by a friend

Tell us about the kind act you did to give your Hope Coin away

A friend of mine has had an especially tough year. During a visit to my home, she admired an autumn wreath hanging only wall, so I gave it to her. She loves it!

State: New Hampshire
City: Raymond
Date: 14 Dec 2020
Hope Warrior: June
Tell us how you received your Hope Coin

I purchased a package of coins so I could start a ripple of kindness.

Tell us about the kind act you did to give your Hope Coin away

I have a dear friend who is high risk for contracting COVID-19 so she has been working remotely and completely quarantining to avoid being exposed to the virus. I make a point of face-time call her, because seeing each other when you talk is better than just talking, and sending her care packages to lift her spirits. I have sent some of her favorite foods/treats and a fun craft for her to do. Just little things to know she is loved.

State: VT
City: Waterbury Center
Date: 18 Nov 2020